Our goals are
- to provide useful web site design information and
- to open communications opportunities.
Fast web page design + graphics (NetObjects Fusion & WordPress),
also, domain hosting with lots of special bells and whistles including “fantastico” php packages, statistics packages, email accounts and “cpanel”.
See contact information below. All at reasonable prices.
We have decades of experience working on a wide variety of computer-related projects. More recently we have concentrated on internet and network projects.
Web Pages -- Net Objects Fusion In the area of internet and web development our primary tool has been Net Objects Fusion. We began with NOF version 1 ...way back... this software tool actually survived the failure of the original company and in 2008 it is up to version 2013. For more information ( click here ). NOF makes WYSIWYG layout and menu development very easy; however, it is sophisticated enough to allow fine tuning and additional code insertion. Almost all of the following sites have been developed using either WordPress or Net Objects Fusion:
Business Sites
Nonprofit Organizations
**Hosted by WebByPros.com
Contact Info If you would like to get in touch
Phone: (206) 632-0061 in Seattle E-mail: scolberg(at)webbypros.com
Steve’s Blog Page